講師介紹 |
Fyodor |
Fyodor's been in business objectives and the security service delivery
fieldfor the past few years, contributing his spare time to a few open
and closed source projects. He has a background of system
administration and programming. Note: Fyodor is not 'nmap Fyodor' |
grugq |
The grugq has been researching anti-forensics for almost 5 years. Grugq has worked to secure the networks and hosts of global corporations, and has also worked for security consultanting companies. Currently, he slaves for a start-up, designing and writing IPS software and also as a freelance security consultant. Grugq has presented to the UK’s largest forensic practioner group where he scared the police. In his spare time, grugq likes to drink and rant. |
邱秉誠(dove) |
,專長於linux/FreeBSD 。平時喜歡東摸西摸,看到自己有興趣的程式便會深入研究,喜歡解決問題時的滿足感。 |
陳凱嶸(ChenKaiJung) |
陳凱嶸, 目前任職於華義國際數位娛樂股份有限公司, 主要負責遊戲認證及付費平台的開發, 2006年與RSA合作開發RSA SecurID結合遊戲身份認證徹底解決遊戲盜號問題. 2007年提出以動態認證模組反制 MMORPG機器人程式來解決遊戲使用外掛的問題。 |
XDite |
一個無聊至極的工程師、科技部落客。對於網站 UE (User Experience)以及網路社群關係有十足的研究熱誠。喜歡從各種角度(社群、用戶習慣,資安,等等...)測試社群網站或新型態網站,撰寫成評論或報告(笑話?)。最著名的戰績是 測爛 無名小站 ..
什麼都破,什麼都爛,什麼都不奇怪。 http://blog.xdite.net |