- 梁達榮 / Current Trends in Web Security Attacks
- Nart Villeneuve / Trends in Targeted Malware 針對性惡意程式攻擊趨勢
- MJ0011 (鄭文彬) / Escaping From Auto Sandboxes [EN]
- CardMagic (孫明焱) / 雲@金山:一種不同的思路做雲安全 Cloud @ Kingsoft: A Different Way of Thinking to Cloud Security [EN]
- Junzz (張文君) / 雲安全體系下的安全技術對抗 Security Technologies in the Cloud-Security Era [EN]
- Thinker / Android 執行檔注入與資料防護 The Code Injection and Data Protection of Android Application [EN]
- Birdman / APT Secrets in Asia
- Mahmud ab Rahman / Android 惡意程式逆向工程 Reversing Android Malware
- Kenji Aiko / Mobile Security in Japan
- Yosuke HASEGAWA / Make A Contract with IE and Become a XSS Girl! [EN]
- Yoshinori TAKESAKO / Disassemble Flash Lite 3.0 SWF File
- Jserv (黃敬群) / Android 應用程式逆向工程提示 Android Application Reversing Essence
- Po (黃敬博) / 行動 (手機) 鑑識技術及實務分享 Mobile (Phone) Forensics Technology and Practice