關於 CTF 競賽
HITCON Wargame 已舉辦了 9 年,今年起將有一個重大的改變,未來 HITCON Wargame,正式更名為 HITCON CTF,並為了與國際賽事接軌,將不再侷限比賽地點,而改為線上比賽並開放給世界各國好手,期待選手能與世界一流隊伍一較高下。請注意今年比賽日期,將不在HITCON會議日期舉辦,而是 8/16 12:00 (六) ~ 18 (一) 12:00 (共48HR),請留意本網站公布之相關資訊
- CTF 競賽 2014/08/16 (六) 12:00 PM ~ 2014/08/18 (一) 12:00 PM
- Trivial
- Web Security
- Binary Processing
- Forensics
- Pwn3d
- 2014/07/01 ~ 2014/08/17 線上註冊 ,2014/07/01 開放網址
- 完成登錄後即具備參賽資格,不需額外報名 HITCON 研討會
- 競賽採取積分累計制,比賽結束後依分數高低判定優勝,提供獎金予優勝者。同分者,依最後一次正確提交的時間判定
- HITCON CTF 獎金,須前往 HITCON X Playground (2014 年 8 月 21 日 (四) ~ 2014 年 8 月 22 日 (五) )現場領取 。地點: 中央研究院 人文社會科學館 國際會議廳
- 比賽前三名隊伍,每隊提供三個名額免費參加 Playground
- 比賽其他獲獎隊伍:
- 若提交 10 分鐘簡報與心得分享,可獲得 2 個 Playground 入場名額,分享的隊伍可另外獲得 HITCON 10 週年鉅獻「HITCON X 駭客攻防桌遊」乙套
- 若不上台分享,則僅提供 1 名入場名額
- 出題關主與工作人員均不列入成績計算
- 第一名獎金 NTD 22,000
- 第二名獎金 NTD 15,000
- 第三名獎金 NTD 10,000
- 第四名獎金 NTD 5,000
- 第五名獎金 NTD 5,000
- 第六名獎金 NTD 3,000
- 第七名獎金 NTD 3,000
- 第八名獎金 NTD 2,000
- 第九名獎金 NTD 2,000
- 第十名獎金 NTD 2,000
得獎隊伍,若於HITCON X Playground (2014/08/21 - 2014/08/22) 研討會的「HITCON CTF 頒獎及心得分享」中分享解題心得,每隊可另外獲得 HITCON 10 週年鉅獻「HITCON X 駭客攻防桌遊」乙套
- 進行任何破壞競賽公平公正原則之行為
- 散播、與其它隊伍交換關卡金鑰
- 除競賽中提供的關卡外,禁止對競賽系統、參賽者及其它人員進行攻擊
About CTF
HITCON Wargame already has a history of 9 years. From this year, HITCON Wargame will be renamed HITCON CTF. Additionally, in order to get in line with international games, there will no longer be any restrictions on the location of participants. The game will be online and opened to all participants around the world. Please be aware that this year’s game will not be held at the same time as the conference, instead it will be held from August 16th 12:00 to 18th 12:00. (48 hours in total) Please keep your attentions on this site’s future announcements.
Date and time
- August 16th 12:00 ~ 18th 12:00, UTC+8, 48 hours in total
Problem types
- Trivial
- Web Security
- Binary Processing
- Forensics
- Pwn3d
Contest Information:
- Online register : 7/1~8/17. The registration link is available on 7/1.
- You become a contest participant once you register.
- Solving each problem will gain certain points. Winners will be ranked by points. There are bonus for winners. If the points are the same, the winners will be ranked by time of the last correct submission.
- Winning teams are required to attend HITCON X Playground to receive the award of HITCON CTF (August 21 2014 ~ August 22 2014) Location: The Conference Hall of Academia Sinica, Research Center for Humanities and Social Sciences
- For the TOP 3 winning teams: Each team will receive 3 admission tickets to Playground.
- For other winning teams:
- Teams who give a 10 minutes presentation and feedback will each receive 2 HITCON X Playground admission tickets, and also a set of HITCON's 10th Anniversary Collection "HITCON X Hacker's Board Game".
- Teams without sharing their experience would each receive 1 HITCON X Playground admission ticket.
- Problem makers and staffs will not be counted in the ranking process.
- 1st place: NTD 22,000
- 2nd place: NTD 15,000
- 3rd place: NTD 10,000
- 4th place: NTD 5,000
- 5th place: NTD 5,000
- 6th place: NTD 3,000
- 7th place: NTD 3,000
- 8th place: NTD 2,000
- 9th place: NTD 2,000
- 10th place: NTD 2,000
Contest rules
During contest, any of the following behavior will lead to disqualification: - Any behavior that compromises the fairness of contest - Publishing, exchanging problem solutions - Attacking any personnel, including participants and non-participants, or the contest system itself
Rights reserved
Organizers may rearrange/modify contest problems, proceedings, and rules.