2017 HITCON Badge Challenges

今年的 HITCON CMT 將舉辦台灣首次的電路板 Badge 活動「HITCON Badge Challenges」,採用 MTK 晶片所製作的電路板 Badge,其包含 WIFI、藍芽 BLE、搖桿、紅外線和 LED 面板等功能,並特別準備了兩大挑戰:
- 以抓遍所有「駭客寶貝」為目標的駭客抓寶大師
- 貪食蛇高手
此兩項挑戰的獎品皆為 HITCON CMT 2018 門票,詳細挑戰內容與提示將於大會開幕式宣布。用你手中的那塊 Badge 贏得明年的門票吧!
而正在為沒有搶到尊榮票而後悔的朋友們,大會開幕式時亦會公布極少量的電子 Badge 販售時間,這次可別錯過囉!
HITCON CMT will launch a new activity “HITCON Badge Challenges” this year. The electric badge is powered by MediaTek’s chipset, including WIFI, bluetooth, game controller, Infrared and LED display. HITCON will prepare 2 challenges:
- Catch all the “Hackermon” and become Hackermon master.
- Master of Snake
The award of both challenges is the ticket of HITCON CMT 2018. The detail information will be announced in the opening of HITCON CMT 2017. Use your Badge to win the ticket of next year!!!
If you miss the Premium Pass, HITCON will release few electric badges in the conference day for attendees to purchase. The detail information will be announced in the opening session. Don’t miss again!
Lightning Talk

- 時間:HITCON CMT Day 2 下午
- 地點:HITCON CMT R0(國際會議廳)
- 對象:HITCON CMT 全體參與者
- 每場 Lightning Talk 長度 5 分鐘
- 共 8 位 Lightning Talk 名額
- 時間:HITCON CMT Day 1 開幕時公告
- 地點:中研院人文科學館 三樓走廊
- 報名時需寫下講者大名及講題
- 以登記先後順序為準,額滿為止
- 大會將於講者登記時告知舞台設備測試時間
Activity Information
- Time:HITCON CMT Day 2 afternoon
- Location:HITCON CMT R0
- Eligible:everyone in HITCON
Speech Information
- Each Lightning Talk is 5 minuets
- Total 8 hosts
Registration Information
- Time:HITCON CMT Day 1 annoucements
- Registration Location:3rd floor hallway, Academia Sinica Humanities & Social Sciences Building
- For registering, write down your name and speech title
- First come first serve
- We will inform you the rehearsal while you register
Mini Wargame

Back to 1998!
- Day1: 開幕式 ~ 17 : 30
- Day2: 10 : 00 ~ 16 : 00
Back to 1998!
Still worried about not being able to show yourself? Want to challenge cybersecurity specialists in different area? Either cyber security specialist or trainee are welcome to join. The details about the competition will be address during the opening speech, and exceptional players will be rewarded. Come show us what you’ve got!
- Day1: Opening ~ 17 : 30
- Day2: 10 : 00 ~ 16 : 00
ZeroDay 發表會 ZeroDay Summit

資安專家們善意的漏洞通報,不僅能幫助企業精準地修復漏洞,亦是能令企業更加注重資安問題、信賴資安專業人才的契機,公益性質的 HITCON ZeroDay 平台 自 2016 年 1 月 1 日成立至今,在眾多資安專家、白帽駭客的響應及通報下,已協助無數企業預防資安事件之發生,並且持續致力於成為資安人員及企業間的溝通橋樑、替打造更好的資安環境盡一份心力。
為推廣白帽駭客與漏洞通報之價值,並令更多企業了解資安人員、通報者們的無私貢獻,今年 HITCON ZeroDay 將首度在 HITCON Community 大會上舉辦「ZeroDay 發表會」,提供通報者分享挖掘、通報漏洞過程的專屬舞台。
Vulnerability report not only helps enterprises to fix defect at the first moment but also let them notice the importance of information security and security expert. HITCON ZeroDay ( is a nonprofit platform founded at 2016/1/1. Thanks for the help of many security experts and white hat hackers, HITCON ZeroDay have successfully protected and prevented many security crisis from happening. We committed to becoming a bridge between security experts and enterprises. Build up a secure environment for everyone.
To encourage and prove the value of vulnerability report, and to demonstrate how selfless reporters contribute to the enterprises, the very first “ZeroDay Summit” will be held during the HITCON Community. “ZeroDay Summit” will be a great and dedicated chance for reporters to publish their findings.
奇葩獎 The 78 Award

從 2013 年開始,HITCON 除了安排精彩的議程外,更舉辦了「奇葩獎」的活動 。
HITCON 奇葩獎除了在每年的議程中進行頒獎活動外,我們也在 Facebook 上成立了奇葩獎討論區,讓大家除了在活動時可以了解資安事件外,也可以在活動結束後於討論區內進行分享,讓大家可以即時得知最新的奇葩資安事件,並且互相討論交流心得,歡迎大家加入我們的奇葩獎社團,一起關注有趣的資安奇聞軼事。
Since 2013, HITCON not only arranges marvelous sessions, but also this special event: “The 78 Award”.
“The 78 Award” is a unique event among HITCON events. “78” is often used to describe things that are bizzare or extraordinary. Therefore, the goal of “The 78 Award” is to give credit to the efforts of those “78” hackers and the many respectful “78” events in the past year. Hopefully, having some humor in the air can bring more diversity and attention to Information Security events in Taiwan society.
Other than the annual HITCON “78” award ceromony, we also have a discussion group “The 78 Awards” on Facebook. This is the place to learn about Information Security events during HITCON sessions, and continue to share and discuss about the “78” events even after the sessions have finished. We welcome you all to join “The 78 Award” Facebook goup and follow up on the latest, bizarre securtiy anecdotes.
攤位 Booth

解鎖挑戰賽 UCCU O3 (4F)
每天開開關關門鎖、車鎖、置物櫃鎖等不同的鎖,覺得安心又保障,但是您真正認識這些平常維護大家身家與財產安全的小零件嗎?UCCU 解鎖攤在四樓 O3 邀請您來體驗解鎖的樂趣!
紀念品 O4 (4F)
為宣揚白帽駭客精神與青春陽光的氣息,HITCON CMT 2017 這次將在會場販售限量版運動
頭巾與超酷炫 Polo 衫,讓您輕鬆成為兼具動感與潮流的時尚指標!另外還有筆記本、筆電必備造型貼紙、超有梗紙膠帶等豐富多元的紀念品,以及帽 T、背包等週邊,快來把這些超值商品帶回家,讓生活和智慧一起精彩萬分。
今年還設立了紀念衫零碼專區,若想補完過去沒有收藏到的絕版服飾,別忘了來紀念品攤位逛逛囉!另外,我們將在開幕式公布今年獨家的 HITCON 電路板 Badge 的販售時間,敬請期待!
休息區 O5 ~ O7 (4F) & OA ~ OH (3F)
聊天、吃飯、打 Mini Wargame 的好所在。另外,四樓的 O7 將提供電路板 Badge 維修服務。
咖啡意識 Coffice O8 (3F)
累了嗎?來杯咖啡吧!快前往 HITCON 在三樓 O8 為會眾準備的咖啡攤,點一杯香味濃郁、提神醒腦的現煮咖啡,讓自己再度精神飽滿地參加 HITCON 各項精彩活動!
天瓏書局 M1 (3F)
聽完 HITCON 的各項議程,讓各位等不及想吸收更多資安知識,或投入資安相關的研究嗎?台灣最齊全、具備最新資安議題研究專書的天瓏書局就在 HITCON 三樓 M1 設攤喔!
深入人們日常生活的行動科技,為資安議題中的重要領域。源自台南,以行動科技為主題的資安研討會 MOPCON,就在 HITCON 四樓 O1。期待您前往攤位上,更深入了解日新月異的行動技術。
BambooFox O2 (4F)
由各大學學生組成的 Bamboofox 在四樓 O2 準備了闖關任務讓大家小試身手,在體驗 CTF 樂趣的同時,亦可提升大家對資安議題的敏銳度。
TDOH O9 (3F)
茫茫人海中,誰是您的駭客夥伴?TDOHacker 在三樓 O9 徵求各方勇者的加入,為培養校園的資安教育環境一起努力。攤位上另準備了美味餐點與小遊戲,等待您成為一起推廣校園資安社群的戰友!
人才招募攤位 Recruiting Booth S1 ~ S9 (4F)
求職換跑道、工作交流談合作、參加活動拿贈品,三個願望一次滿足的人才招募攤位,將在四樓南北側等待您的到來!另外,今年 HITCON CMT 與 Debut 人才媒合平台合作,特別推出個人特質與能力分析小遊戲,期望能讓會眾們更清楚自己的需求與定位,進而找到理想的工作。想找工作的會眾們,在參觀各企業的攤位前,不妨先來玩看看吧!
Official Booth
Unlock Challenge with UCCU O3 (4F)
Do you feel safety when you are using door lock, car lock, locker lock or any kinds of lock? But do you really know how those lock could protect your life? Go to the fourth floor O3 booth, UCCU invite you to join.
Souvenirs O4 (4F)
To promote the white hat hacker and the spirit of energetic, HITCON CMT 2017 will sell limited edition sport head scarfs and fancy Polo shirts at the venue. That will make you easily become an active and fashionable trendy leader. Plus, there are many rich and diverse souvenirs such as notebooks, laptop bumper stickers, slogan paper tape, hoodies, backpacks, and other peripheral accessories. Get these goods home, get a wonderful and smart life.
This year, we will set up an odd sizes zone for commemorative shirt. If you want to collect the out-of-print T shirts you missed in the past. Don’t forget to have it a look at the souvenirs booth. In addition, we will announce this year's exclusive HITCON circuit board Badge sale schedule in the opening ceremony, so stay tuned!
Resting O5 ~ O7 (4F) & OA ~ OH (3F)
A good place to chat, eat, or Mini Wargame (O6). In addition, you can get your circuit board Badge fixed at O7 (4F).
Coffice O8 (3F)
Do you feel tired? Got a cup of coffee. There will be a coffee booth on third floor O8 position. You can order a cup of coffee to recharge your brain.
Tenlong Computer Book M1 (3F)
After listening the HITCON sessions, you can not wait to learning new security knowledge. There will have a bookstore booth on third floor M1 position.
Community Booth
Mobile technology will also be an important area in cyber security. Come from Tainan, we are a mobile technology base technical conference MOPCON. Our booth is located at fourth floor O1 position. Welcome you to visit us.
BambooFox O2 (4F)
BambooFox will be located at fourth floor O2 position. We are founded by a gourd of college students. Go for visiting use to experience some little activity. Learning some security knowledge during playing the CTF game.
TDOH O9 (3F)
Who is your hacker partner? TDOHacker welcome you to join us at O9 booth. To bring up the cyber security basic knowledge from school. We will provide little activity and dessert. Wait for you to join us.
Recruiting Booth S1 ~ S9 (4F)
Find a new job, discover business partners, take a gift by participating an activity. All 3 wishes come true at once in recruiting booth. The booth will be located at both south & north side of the fourth floor. Another thing, HITCON will cooperate with Debut job finding platform. Debut will provide a little game for the people who want to find job by analyzing their characteristic and talent. Hope this game can help the attendees find out their demands and help them to get their dream job. If you want to find a new job, just go visit each recruiting booth.
狩獵者行動 Operation Miscellaneous-Hunting
- Day1: 開幕式 ~ 17 : 30
- Day2: 10 : 00 ~ 16 : 10
Have you, long for being a hunter, enjoy the process of hunting? Look around, the prey may be anywhere, great trophies is waiting for you!
- Day1: Opening ~ 17 : 30
- Day2: 10 : 00 ~ 16 : 10
Details will be described during the opening.
社群分享 Community Sharing

為了給社群朋友們一個獨立的舞台分享資安議題,同時提供參與者更多選擇,HITCON Community 大會特別規劃了社群分享,讓各社群能在這場一年一度的盛會中,發表其在資安相關議題上的研究成果。
HITCON community have planned for a Community Sharing this year to both help facilitate sharing from independent community members and give attendance a more variable line of talks. With this session we hope to empower attending members to share their findings during the year in the annual summit.
綿羊牆 Wall of Sheep!

對駭客而言,資安觀念薄弱的人就是他們的「綿羊」,綿羊牆便是針對使用會場無線網路但沒做好加密、沒有連上 HTTPS 網站的綿羊網路使用者,將其被監聽到的帳號密碼以部分馬賽克方式,投射在這面牆上!綿羊牆的設立是為了提醒大家,一般沒加密的上網是不安全的,並且提示人們如何保護自己的網路活動不至於洩露機密及個人隱私、如何安全的使用網路等。
建議大家到現場使用 VPN 建立安全通道再上網,才能做好個人的資安防護,切記要修改本機電腦的的預設閘道,否則就算撥接了 VPN 還是會被監聽到封包的喔!
For those who aren't familiar with information security, they get a nickname “sheep” for hackers. And this “Wall of sheep” would display user account and password which get pick up from the wireless network traffic because of not using encrypted protocols such as https or the other secured protocols. Only specified part of these username and password will be shown to avoid a fully data disclosure in this event.
The purpose of “Wall of Sheep” is to remind everyone that, it is just too dangerous to use unencrypted network, and how to do it in a right way to keep privacy online.
It is strongly recommended that setup a VPN before actually using the network, and a must to change the default gateway, otherwise, the out-going network traffic still remain unencrypted.
資安從業人員論壇 Panel Discussion

HITCON 邀請資安從業人員帶著切身的工作經驗輪番上陣,與會眾分享熱騰騰的第一手資安產業從業心得,涵蓋職場甘苦談、技術成果發表與國際資安產業發展等豐富內容,讓會眾一覽資安業界的當紅議題、現況與未來展望。除了講者們的精采發表,現場也開放會眾們自由提問,與講者們交流彼此的心得,一同追求資安業界的健全與進步。
HITCON will invite some security expert sharing their working experience in security industry. In this panel, they will share some first hand experience from security industry. Including gossip of their job, new technique demo and the trend of global cyber security industry. Attendees could known the most popular cyber security issue. Instead of the sharing of those speaker, HITCON will open Q&A session for all the attendees to exchange the opinions between speakers and attendees.